How will the refund be paid

How will the refund be paid

You can choose to receive your refund
  1. Refund amount not exceeding 30,000 baht, will be made in cash (Thai baht) or by bank draft or credit to your credit card account.
  2. Refund amount exceeding 30,000 baht, will be made by bank draft or credit to your credit card account.

The reasons Why requests are disapproved
  1. You carry a diplomatic passport and reside in Thailand.
  2. You are an airline crew member departing Thailand on dutry.
  3. Goods were not taken out of Thailand within 60 days from the date of purchase.
  4. You did not depart Thailand by air carrier from an international airport.
  5. The name or the passport number on the original tax invoice attached to the VAT Refund Application for Tourist form (P.P. 10) is not yours.
  6. Value of goods purchased is less than 2,000 baht per day per store.
  7. VAT Refund Application for Tourist form ( P.P. 10) was not prepared on the date of purchase.
  8. Total value of the goods claimed for refund is less than 2,000 baht.
  9. Original tax invoices were not attached to the VAT Refund Application for Tourist form ( P.P. 10).
  10. You did not carry the goods out of Thailand on the day of your departure.
  11. Goods were not purchased from participating shops in the VAT refund for tourists scheme.
  12. The quantity of goods shown in the VAT Refund Application for Tourist form ( P.P. 10) is less than that shown in the original tax invoice.
  13. Goods were taken out of Thailand without being inspected by Customs officers or by Revenue officers.
  14. Luxury goods were taken out of Thailand without being checked by the Revenue officers.
  15. Some of the tax invoices attached to the VAT Refund Application for Tourist form ( P.P. 10) were issued from a different store that mentioned on the form.